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As small business owners navigate an ever-changing landscape, Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) continue to support and elevate their clients through innovative at-cost training programs and free advising strategies. Nearly 1,000 SBDCs can be found across the United States and its territories, serving clients virtually and from their centers in host institutions like universities and chambers. Don’t miss the new America’s SBDC Annual Report to read about hundreds of small businesses and how their small businesses thrived with the help of their local SBDC.

To celebrate the collective impact and success SBDCs have across the nation, and in local communities each year, America’s SBDCs are hosting the 8th annual SBDC Day today, March 20th. SBDC Day is a national movement to help share the small business success stories and notable impact SBDCs have fostered nationwide.

We are incredibly proud to be an SBDC Day Ambassador and partner of the nationwide SBDC network. Like SBDCs our organization is here to support America’s entrepreneurs and small businesses start, grow and thrive.

We’re honored to have worked with the SBDCs over the years. Not only do we benefit from our own SBDC mentor, we’ve provided dozens of training sessions for small business owners through local SBDCs, and we run a social media bootcamp for SBDC directors and advisors at the America’s SBDC National Conference.

Our CEO Kasia Johnson states, “[The SBDCs] have been crucial in helping me grow my business. They have been wonderful to me and my marketing agency, Merge Forward. I have received mentorship and networking opportunities throughout the years and am so thankful for them for helping not only my business but a lot of other small businesses around me.”

To learn more about SBDC Day visit http://www.americassbdc.org/SBDCDay. To join the conversation online, follow the hashtag #SBDCDAY.

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